A downloadable game for Windows

(Updated 05/01/16)

Ghost Leg Shooter™ is a fast action puzzle game based on Asian Lottery game known as Ghost Leg, Amidakuji or Sadalitagi. Shoot lines down one of four paths from top to bottom to collect points, power-ups and bonuses to achieve a top score under the pressure of an ever changing, increasingly complex layout.

Ghost Leg Shooter is in a proof of concept stage. Graphics, music and gameplay are all subject to change. Linux and Mac support intended down the line.


GhostLegShooter_0_5.zip (NEWEST) 4 MB
GhostLegShooter_0_1.zip (ARCHIVAL) 4 MB

Install instructions

  1. Make sure you have .NET Framework 4.5. Chances are you probably already do if you have Windows 8 or just keep your PC up-to-date in general.
  2. Unzip the file you downloaded from here and run GhostLegShooter.exe
  3. Game saves are located within the application's folder and will be generated once the game is ran once. You can delete the entire folder to remove the game.
  4. This game will look best on a 1920x1080 display but will scale itself to any resolution. Black bars are used to preserve a 16:9 viewing area. F11 is a Fullscreen shortcut.


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Neat game.

Thanks. There's a new version that adds quite a bit and changes the direction of the project a bit.


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